Weekly Sunday School Lesson
Fall Quarter 2022
Lesson 4 The Scepter Given to Judah
Devotional Reading: Numbers 24:2-9, 15-17
Background Scripture: Genesis 35:22b-26; 38:12-19, 24-26; 49:8-12
Todays Scripture: Genesis 35:22b-26; 38:24-26; 49:8--10-12
Lesson Aims
After participating in this lesson, each learner will be able to:
1. Summarize the structure of Jacob’s family.
2. Explain the connections among the three sections of the lesson text.
3. State a way to overcome a family dysfunction for increased service to the Lord.
How to Say It
Bilhah Bill-ha.
Ephraim Ee-fray-im.
Ephrath Ef-rath.
Gad Gad (a as in bad).
Issachar Izz-uh-kar.
Manasseh Muh-nass-uh.
Naphtali Naf-tuh-lee or Naf-tuh-lye. (both are correct)
Shiloh Shy-low.
Tamar Tay-mer.
Zebulun Zeb-you-lun.
Zilpah Zil-pa.
Standard Lesson Commentary NIV (2022-2023)
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