Intercessory Prayer
Legal Disclaimer: This is a link to the official trailer for War Room © ProvidentFilms, Affirm Films, Sony, and Kendrick Brothers Productions and is provided on this website to promote the legal purchase of the film to our site visitors. No representation or endorsement of The Harbingers of Truth Christian Church Inc. is expressed or implied by said Organization
I believe that Our Nation is at a turning point like never before in our history. We are in deep trouble! Franklin Graham said recently, "We are contending with issues that are causing the very foundation of our country to crumble. Our moral and spiritual roots are eroding, the economy is misleading, family life is disintegrating, and political forces are at unprecedented odds. There seem to be very few leaders who will take a stand for God and for His Word.”
Since 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has been the source millions of Americans have turned to for encouragement and inspiration to pray for America, our President, our national leaders, and our Armed Forces. Click the icon to the left to visit their website and sign up to add your voice to those who stand in prayer and Pray.
The Presidential Prayer Team name and seal are trademarks of The Presidential Prayer Team, Inc. and used here with permissions. Legal Disclaimer. Information provided on this website by other well established and respected faith-based organizations is for information of our site visitors and/or promotional purposes only. No representation or endorsement of The Harbingers of Truth Christian Church is expressed or implied by said Organization (s).