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Harbingers of Truth Christian Store

Welcome to the Harbingers Of Truth Christian Store. To help defray the cost of running this website, featuring a live-streaming Christian Radio Station, the cost of Bibles, given to new believers who have accepted Christ as their savior, or have requested one through the prayer line who may not be able to afford one, we respectfully ask that if you are in the market for one of the products offered here, or if you want to help support the ministry and get a great product in return for that support, that you prayerfully consider purchasing through our web site. 
Some items you can purchase in our store and help our ministry include Bibles, Christian Books, Movies, Gifts, and more. We are continually adding products to our store, but if there is something you plan on purchasing right now, please let us know so we can help you find it and add it to our store so you may purchase through us and support the ministry.
The Harbingers Of Truth Christian Church Inc. uses all proceeds from items purchased here to cover the expenses of Web Hosting, Internet Streaming fees, CCLI License fees, etc. to provide you with FREE streaming radio 24 hours a day, 365 Days a Year. We also ask that if you enjoy the Albums and Songs streamed on our radio program, you consider supporting these Christian artists by purchasing the CD or individual tracks through our store. I appreciate your support and may God Bless You.

In addition, we have designed some promotional products to help you to show your support for the Harbingers of Truth Christian Church. The suggested love offering covers our cost for the materials to be produced in small quantities, the shipping cost to get the products to you, and a small donation to support the ongoing efforts of our ministry. 
The promotional products we offer, are not meant to replace financial support for the ministry but to offer our supporters something in return for their most generous support. As with any church or religious organization, there is a cost involved with the daily operations of the organization, and we need financial support to continue our operation and meet our bills. Please prayerfully consider how you can help us to meet our expenses and keep us on the air. God Bless you.

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