Contact Prayer and Bible Request Form
Privacy Notice
We hate spam just as much as you do and respect your privacy. For that reason, although your email address is required to submit this request form, please help us to honor your wishes by choosing whether you wish to be included in our mailing list and whether or not you wish to be contacted.
You can be confident when submitting a request to The Harbingers of Truth Christian Church that if you opt-out of our mailing list, we will only use your email address and or phone number to contact you to fulfill an order, or if you specifically request contact from us,
Your email will not be added to our mailing list unless specifically opted-in. In addition, we promise that we will never sell or otherwise provide your email or other personal information to any third party for any purpose not authorized by you. As you can see we do not opt you into anything automatically, the choice is yours and yours alone.
*Please note: If you are ordering something from our store you will be subject to Amazon or the market sellers, and PayPal privacy policy, not ours.* If you request a Free Bible from us, we will verify your email and shipping information. If you provide us inaccurate information or fail to respond to our email verification process, your request for a bible will be canceled.